
Multitude Pty Ltd ACN 612 215 728 (“we/us/our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information and your credit-related information (as an individual or authorised officer of an entity) and upholding our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This document sets out the manner in which we collect, use, disclose and store your personal and credit-related information.

Certain parts of this policy relate specifically to credit-related information. We may change this privacy policy from time to time and will post any updates on our website.

What types of personal information do we collect?

We supply goods to our customers which are used for the development of residential accommodation. In the course of providing goods to our customers (or for other activities associated with providing goods), we may collect the following personal information (information that personally identifies you):

Your full name
Organisation (if applicable)
Postal, residential or business address (as applicable)
Email, telephone and mobile number
Date of birth
Driver’s licence details
Financial or payment information, including credit card details and financial trading history if necessary to process an order for our goods.

How do we collect your personal information?

There are many aspects of our website, which can be viewed without providing personal information, however, personally identifiable information is required to be provided by you in the following situations:

If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence;
If you apply for, establish or access an online account or sign up to our online mailing list;
If you place an order to purchase any of our goods (whether online or not).

How do we hold your personal information?

We store your personal information on our platform on the back end component of website. Your information is stored in encrypted databases, to which we hold and maintain all encryption keys and key management cycles. Certain personal information about you may be linked with other

information about you, including credit information. Only our authorised officers can access your personal information and our databases are protected by passwords.

We also aim to keep your payment information secure through engaging the services of Secure Pay and eWAY. These entities are sourced for security and do not collect customer details for their own business use.

We will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information while it is in our control, and we will take reasonable steps to de-identify or destroy your personal information if we no longer require it.

Why do we collect, hold and use your personal information?

We collect, hold and use your personal information to enable us to provide our goods and services to you, as well as for related purposes which you would reasonably expect us to. We will collect, hold and use your personal information to:

Fulfil an order for our goods.
Set up an online account for you.
Notify you about changes or updates to our services.
Keep records of your business with us, including following termination of our services.
Improve, review and measure the manner in which we provide our business to you.
Manage and respond to any complaints or queries you have in relation to our services.
Market and advertise our business (to which you may unsubscribe).
Manage our business, including engaging any third parties relating to your business with us (such as accountants, legal advisers or a debt collection company).

You may choose not to disclose your personal information, or to deal with us using a pseudonym, however, if you choose to do so, we may not be able to provide you with our services or respond to any query or complaint which you have in relation to our services.

Do we disclose your personal information?

We may disclose your personal information to:

Our external software engineers for the purposes of website and online account maintenance.

Our external digital marketing team for advertising purposes (i.e. the disclosure of names and information to distribute emails).
Entities that we engage to ensure that payments are processed securely (SecurePay and eWAY).

If any of these entities hold data overseas, you consent to the disclosure of your information to those countries.

Third party websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. These links are provided solely for your convenience. If you submit personal information to or via any linked website, the privacy principles applying to that information are outside our control. You should check the privacy statement of the linked website before submitting information to or via that site.

Credit information

If you are applying for a credit account with us, we may collect credit information from you in addition to personal information, including your commercial activities, credit worthiness, credit history or credit capacity, specifically:

The fact that you have applied for credit and the amount applied for Overdue payments and any collection which has commenced Advice that payments are no longer overdue Evidence of any cheques drawn by you which have been dishonoured more than once Details of any credit provided to you by other credit providers (such as other financial institutions, utilities or telecommunications providers) Circumstances that, in our opinion, demonstrate that you have committed a serious credit infringement That credit provided to you has been paid or otherwise discharged
Personal insolvency information and court proceedings information.

We may collect this information from any credit application that you complete, from a credit reporting agency, trade reference or from the public domain. By signing our credit application form, you are agreeing to us collecting information about you from any business or credit provider, for the purpose of assessing your application for credit or accepting you as a guarantor of the credit.

We will not use or disclose your credit information for any other purpose without your consent unless we are legally required to do so. You acknowledge and agree that we may disclose your personal or credit related information to a credit reporting agency in order to assess your application for credit, to notify other credit providers of a default by you, to exchange information with other credit providers as to the status of credit where you are in default with other credit providers and to assess your credit worthiness. If we do so, we will notify you of the details of the body to which disclosure is to be made.

Credit information is held in the same way as personal information, and to this effect, clause 3 above applies.

How can you access your information or make a complaint?

You have a right to request access to or correction of your personal or credit information held by us.
If you would like to do so, we will give you access to the information within a reasonable timeframe, and will make every endeavour to ensure that the information is updated correctly as soon as practicable.

If would like to make a complaint in relation to this privacy policy or the storage of your personal or credit information, please contact us using the contact details below.


Our authorised privacy officer will contact you directly in response to your query within 7 days. If you have a complaint which fails to be resolved, you may take your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner via the online privacy complaint form, by mail, by fax or by email –